6 March 2023 - REAL ESTATE, PROPERTY OWNERS & BUYING TIPS With interest rates on the rise, people looking to purchase property and existing mortgage holders looking to refinance will be eager to fl
28 FEB 2023 - REAL ESTATE, PROPERTY OWNERS Our home holds a special place in our hearts. Especially if it's where our kids have grown up or where we have experienced many of life's milestones. We
PROPERTY OWNERS For many people affected by the recent weather events in Auckland there is something unsettling about finding a council sticker on your property. Here are the following definition
REAL ESTATE - PROPERTY OWNERS, SELLING TIPS The first thing to understand is that lots of houses sell with unconsented changes. It's more common than you might think. The key to a successful trans
21st July 2021 - REAL ESTATE, PROPERTY OWNERS, SELLING TIPS You can maximise the value of your home by making the right choices in a few key areas. You certainly don't need to undertake extensive
July 1st - REAL ESTATE , PROPERTY OWNERS A dry home is a healthy home. Plus, when your home is dry it is easier to heat, which means it's a more comfortable place to live. It can also save you money
1 OCTOBER – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, SELLING TIPS, PROPERTY OWNERS If you own a home already, you have probably been offered a 'free appraisal' dozens of times from local real estate salespeop
1 OCTOBER – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, PROPERTY OWNERS How good are you at completing jobs that are important, but not urgent? For many of us, we understand that taking good care of our bigge