15 SEPTEMBER – REAL ESTATE, PROPERTY TIPS, PROPERTY OWNERS The food we waste is responsible for roughly 8 per cent of global carbon emissions, according to Project Drawdown. That wasted food can
20 August – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, MARKET UPDATE Keeping Calm and Carrying On Despite the interruption of Level 3, the property market is “keeping calm and carrying on”. In fact, the wo
15 AUGUST – REAL ESTATE, SELLING TIPS, PROPERTY OWNERS Even if you aren't thinking of selling anytime soon, it's important to consider future resale value when making changes to your home. These 5
3 AUGUST – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, BUYING TIPS With all the uncertainty in the world right now, you would be forgiven for feeling a little cautious about jumping into the property market.
27 JULY – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, BUYING TIPS, PROPERTY OWNERS When it comes time to re-fix your mortgage interest rate, keep this in mind: The rate the bank is publicly advertising, isn'
16 July – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, MARKET UPDATE Moving in the right direction Positivity is in the air and despite the dire predictions which we felt were unfounded, the proof is in the pu
6 JULY – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, BUYING TIPS Making a property purchase of any type is a big commitment, and without a doubt, ensuring that what you are about to invest in is worth checking o
2 JULY – MARKET COMMENTARY, REAL ESTATE, SELLING TIPS Are you looking for cost-effective ways to add value to your home? Would you like to increase your potential selling price or valuation without s